All gatherings will begin at 6:30pm with a potluck meal and conclude around 8:30pm.
· September 15
o Topic: Religious schism. How and why have various religions divided into sects and what are the social, economic, and political implications of these divisions?
o Location: Islamic Society of Brookings [724 11th Ave.]
· October 13
o Topic: Youth spiritual empowerment. How can we engage, equip, and enable young people to thrive in a multi-religious and multi-cultural world?
o Location: United Church of Christ [828 8th St S.]
· November 10
o Topic: Favorite fables. What is your favorite tale from the history of your faith tradition? Visual aids are encouraged at this celebratory evening of storytelling!
o Location: Brookings Public library [515 3rd Street]
· December 8
o Topic: Forgiveness. What perspectives and practices does your faith tradition offer on forgiveness?
o Location: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church [726 6th St.]
Interfaith Prayer and Reflection
7:30 pm at 1936 Orchard Drive
Join us the fourth Thursday of every month to share prayers, readings, poems, scripture, and music that illuminate specific themes.
· September 22: Peace
· October 27: Hope
· November 24: Gratitude
· December 22: Joy
These gatherings are intended to foster spiritually heightened conversations, fellowship, and common cause. All are welcome. For more information, contact Dianne at 605-695-7596.