Members of the Brooking Interfaith Planning Committee worked with the Human Rights Commission to draft the resolution of inclusivity (see below) which will go before the City Council next Tuesday, Feb 28. The meeting starts at 6 pm in the City-County Government Building. BIC would greatly appreciate your attending the meeting to show support for the resolution.
A Resolution Reaffirming Brookings Values of Inclusion, Respect,
Tolerance, Equality and Justice, and the City’s Commitment Toward Action to Reinforce These Values
Whereas, accounts of incidents of hate targeted at Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Jewish, Latino, African-American, Asian, Native-American, female, people with disabilities, immigrant, refugee, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other high risk community members have been reported to police, on social media, and to advocacy organizations across the nation; and
Whereas, many in our community are hurting and fearful as a result of the rise of a rhetoric of exclusion and vilification; and
Whereas, the City of Brookings draws strength from the diversity of its residents’ age; ethnicity; gender; gender identity; language; nationality; physical, mental, and developmental abilities; race; religion; sexual orientation; skin color; socio-economic status; political ideology; and perspective; and
Whereas, the City of Brookings has a Human Rights Commission whose mission is to improve human relations in the Brookings area by fighting discrimination through education and a complaint resolution procedure; and
Whereas, the City of Brookings supports the elimination of violence and harassment against women and other high risk minorities and is committed to providing direct services, education, culturally competent policing practices, family law, and governance for the prevention of crimes against women and other high risk minorities; and
Whereas, the City of Brookings supports the peaceful exercise of free speech and assembly for all people,
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City of Brookings that:
Section 1. The City of Brookings will continue to be an inclusive city that treats everyone with dignity and respect, and affirms and celebrates its mosaic of diverse residents and visitors.
Section 2. The City of Brookings reaffirms its commitment to uphold justice, provide equality of opportunity for all, actively encourage all voices to be heard, promote inclusion, and oppose acts of intolerance or discrimination.
Section 3. The City of Brookings will implement measures to facilitate reporting, tracking, and responding to hate and bias-motivated activities in Brookings.
Passed and approved this 28th day of February 2017.
Scott Munsterman, Mayor
Shari Thornes, City Clerk