Veterans reflect on war, warriors, and “holy wars"
Brookings Interfaith Council will meet on Thursday, November 12, 6:30 pm at the Islamic Society of Brookings (724 11th Avenue, Brookings) the day after the U.S. recognizes it's military veterans. On this special evening, the gathering will hear from some local veterans about their understanding of service to their country, before, during, and after the conflict. They will also reflect on their perception of what is commonly called "holy war."
Members of the Dialogue from different religious traditions will also share the way their traditions have responded to war, sometimes blessing them as "holy," and how they have responded to those veterans who serve.
Please bring a potluck dish to pass, if you are able, or just show up for the evening. All are welcome. Invite a friend. Please be aware that many in our interfaith community do not eat pork or may be vegetarian.