Time: Thursday, September 19
Topic: Hope
Location: Brookings Public Library, Cooper Room A & B
Time: Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Topic: Traditional Lakota Religion
Location: St Paul's Episcopal Church, 726 6th St, Brookings, South Dakota 57006
The Reverend Isaiah Brokenleg will present a brief sketch of some theological themes and stories from traditional Lakota religion. Her presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.
Other discussion topics planned for Fall ... Watch this space for updates.
BIC discussions seek to foster genuine understanding, respect and appreciation of diversity among people of faith (including non-theists) in our community. Please bring a potluck dish to pass, if you are able, or just show up for the evening. All are welcome. Invite a friend. Please be aware that many in our interfaith community do not eat pork or may be vegetarian. You are welcome to bring a non-perishable food item for a group donation to a local pantry or Feeding SD.
The mission of the Brookings Interfaith Council is to cultivate peace and justice by engaging in dialogue to bridge religious and cultural differences and to bring the wisdom and values of our traditions to bear on the challenges facing our society.
Brookings Interfaith Council