Our Muslim friends will lead us in a discussion of self-discipline, based on their practice of "jihad," frequently misunderstood by non-Muslims. Come add your perspective on self-discipline from your own faith tradition.
Please bring a dish to pass, if you're able, or just show up. All are welcome. Invite a friend. Please be aware that many in our interfaith community do not eat pork or may be vegetarian.
Also, please mark your calendars! With some exceptions, we plan to meet at 6:30pm on the second Thursday of each month during the school year. Below are the dates and locations for this fall. Additional details will be forthcoming.
September 11, 2014
Brookings Islamic Center
October 16, 2014 (Note: 3rd Thursday)
Brookings Public Library
November 13, 2014
Ag Heritage Museum (to be confirmed)
December 11, 2014
United Church of Christ