Gandhi and his followers practiced satyagraha ("insistence for truth" or "force of truth," in Sanskrit) and ahimsa ("nonviolence") as alternatives to violence. Jesus taught a "third way" between fighting and fleeing. It was also a way of nonviolence.
All religious and spiritual traditions have something to teach us about violence and nonviolence. What are these teachings? Are they realistic?
Join us as we discuss how our traditions can sustain and empower us in a violent time. We'll also hear about a training in nonviolence to be held this coming August in the Black Hills of South Dakota where those teachings will be discovered and discussed. If you'd like to access more information about this training before the next meeting, visit this link.
Please bring a potluck dish to pass for the meal, if you are able, or just show up for the evening. All are welcome. Invite a friend. Please be aware that many in our interfaith community do not eat pork or may be vegetarian.