All gatherings will begin at 6:30pm with a potluck meal and conclude around 8:30pm.
· January 12
o Topic: Moving from “Us vs. Them” to “We;” How to collaborate across difference and work in concert with others who hold fundamentally different beliefs.
o Location: Brookings Public library [515 3rd Street]
· February 9
o Topic: The role of religion in enacting social change.
o Location: Islamic Society of Brookings [724 11th Ave.]
· March 16
o Topic: “Before the Flood” documentary and discussion on climate change
o Location: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church [726 6th St.]
· April 20
o Topic: Climate Change at Home
o Location: TBD
· May 11
o Topic: Love Thy Neighbor and Human Rights
o Location: TBD